Caliza Projection
As a part of my Motion Media Projection class at SCAD, I had the privilege of being an artist featured at the Alys Beach Digital Graffiti projection festival where artists from around the world are invited to submit original works of digital art to be showcased in the juried festival. Staged against the elegant white walls of Alys Beach, Digital Graffiti provides a large-scale blank canvas for artists to explore the visual intersection of art and architecture. This is the piece I created that was featured on the Caliza Courts, a set of row houses spanning over 240 feet across.  ​​​​​​​

Final projection

Original edit in building template

My original inspiration for this project was the Bladerunner-esque billboards so, I licensed a 3D model of a cyborg to animate my beginning and ending sequences in Cinema 4D. I exported these animations on a transparent background to composite into a 2D environment later. I then gathered stock videos and edited them together with my own animations and effects in After Effects. Once I had my completed video, I had my talented friend Sam Bourdreaux create the music for it. Finally using a template and the MadMapper software, the final video was projected onto the building using 2 separate projectors. 
Butteries Tower Projection
Also as a part of the Digital Graffiti event, I created a second project. This animation was projected onto the Butteries Towers that line the entrance of Alys Beach. ​​​​​​​

Final projection set to 'Space Song' by Beach House

Original animation on tower template

For this piece, I created my illustrations in Adobe Illustrator. The spaceships I illustrated are pulled from various IPs of my interest like 2001: A Space Odyssey and Star Trek. I then animated these assets and other background elements in Adobe After Effects, utilizing 3D layers to achieve a 2.5D look for some extra depth. The final 'void' is a collage of stock video of inkblots that I composited in as well. 

As the final step, I exported out the final video onto a scaled template of the tower and used MadMapper to project it onto the building itself. 
Location & Event Photos

Butteries Towers 

Caliza Courts

Alys Beach - Digital Graffiti

Alys Beach - Digital Graffiti

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